WengoPhone 2.1.2 is an IM that allows you to make free phone calls to other WengoPhone users.
You can buy credit to make phone calls to landlines or cellphones, with lower fees than the charged in regular calls.
The program can be used as an Instant Messenger (like MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger or Skipe). It has the capability to allow video conferences using webcams, microphone and speakers. You can chat by typing into the program´s window, use emoticons. You can use WengoPhone to chat with users of another Instant Messengers, like the listed above, AOL France and Jabber.
WengoPhone 2.1.2 can be installed in English or French.
When installing the program, it prompts you to setup your VOIP account, or obtain a new one from Wengo. At the time of this review this service is temporarily unavailable. You can only use the program if you have a working account already.
When this service is available, you can create your free account just by entering a valid email address, and validating it.